Page 18 - 881825_BE HAPPY cwiczenia 2
P. 18
2 Lesson 3
1. Popatrz na obrazki. Przeczytaj zdania i otocz pętlami poprawne wyrażenia.
I can’t ride a bike. Mum, look at my knee.
Have you got some syrup / a sticking plaster?
Oh, no, don’t be sad! Here are some
tissues / pills.
What’s the matter? Have you got a fever?
Where is my thermometer / sticking plaster?
She has got a stomach ache.
There is a bandage / some syrup in the kitchen.
He has got a headache. Give him some
tissues / pills.
He has got a cut. There is a bandage /
thermometer in the bathroom.
2. Uzupełnij brakujące litery w wyrazach i przyklej naklejki.
i u e i i i
e o e e a a e y u