Page 24 - 881825_BE HAPPY cwiczenia 2
P. 24

2                  Extra activities 

            1.  Przeczytaj zdania, przekreśl rozsypanki literowe i zapisz wyrazy poprawnie.
                Przeczytaj pytania pod tekstem i uzupełnij odpowiedzi.

              Mother, look. The family is not healthy.

              You have got a rnuny onsernuny onse                                         .

              I have got a crathcscrathcs                                        .

              Look at father. He has got a tcutcu                                                .

              What about my sister? She has got a achedeahachedeah                                          .

              And the dog? It has got a oothtchaeoothtchae                                                  .

              And we all have got a oughcoughc                                         .

              What about aunt and uncle? They have got a eevrfeevrf                                        .

              1. Has mother got a scratch? No, she has got a                                               .

              2. Have you got a headache? No, I have got a                                                 .

              3. Has father got a fever? No, he has got a                                                  .

              4. Has sister got a toothache? No, she has got a                                             .

              5. Has the dog got a cut? No, it has got a                                                   .

              6.  Have you all got a stomach ache? No, we have all got

                  a                         .

              7. Have aunt and uncle got a runny nose? No, they                                            .

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