Page 25 - 881825_BE HAPPY cwiczenia 2
P. 25

2. Uzupełnij tekst na podstawie rysunku i wskazówek.

             1. India, with grandma                                  6.  do karate, play football,
             2.  wash hands, brush teeth                                 ride a bike

             3. dairy, cereal, vegetables                            7.  have a cough, grandma,
             4. water, juice, milk                                       headache

             5. active                                               8. pills, I, syrup

             1. My name is Peri and I live                                                                  .

             2. We                                                because we want to be healthy.

             3. We eat                                                                                      .

             4. We                                                                                          .

             5. We                                                                                          .

             6. We                                                                                          .

             7. Today I                                                                                     .

             8. Grandma has                                                                                 .

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