Page 31 - 881825_BE HAPPY cwiczenia 2
P. 31

Lesson 5

            1.  Posłuchaj nagrania i podkreśl właściwy przymiotnik.

                1. This is my shiny microphone. It’s new / old.

                2. This is his expensive walkman. It’s new / old.

                3. This is her matt keyboard. It’s new / old.

                4. This is my cheap cassette. It’s new / old.

                5. This is his expensive boombox. It’s new / old.

                6. This is her noisy walkman. It’s new / old.

                7. This is my beautiful smartphone. It’s new / old.

                8. This is his light laptop. It’s new / old.

             2. Popatrz na ilustrację i uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

                    new • small • Poland • museum • noisy • cassettes • computer

                There is one                       in my town in                       . In this museum,

                you  can  see  big and                         rooms. There are some

                and  old  gadgets.  There  is  a  big,  heavy                              but  there  isn’t

                a  radio.  There  is  a  boombox  with                               and  there  are  old

                and new microphones. You can walk and sit there. You can’t be

                there because it is a quiet museum. I go there on rainy days.

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