Page 34 - 881825_BE HAPPY cwiczenia 2
P. 34

3                   Extra activities 

            1.  Przeczytaj zdania, przekreśl błędnie zapisane wyrazy i napisz je poprawnie.
                Przeczytaj pytania pod tekstem i uzupełnij odpowiedzi.

              – Oh, no. Where is my nephosmrtanephosmrta?

              – I don’t know. Is it under your mega onclesomega oncleso?

              – No, there is just your twsmtchwaarttwsmtchwaart.

              – Do you want to listen to music? Dad has this old ptlopa.ptlopa.

              And there is his drayekobdrayekob over there on the table.

              – No, I want to talk to my friends. Where is his smuoesmuoe?

              – I can’t see it. Well, mum has got a new lbtatelbtate

              – Is her eooimhpncreooimhpncr good?

              – Yes, I think so.

              – Great!

              1. Is her smartphone under the game console? No, it                                           .

              2. What is there under the game console? There is a                                           .

              3. Has dad got a new laptop? No, he has not. He has got

              an                                                                                           .

              4. Has mum got a new mouse? No, she has not. She has got

              a                                                                                            .

              5. Is there a mouse on the table? No, there is not.

              There                                                                                         .

              6. Is her microphone good? Yes, it is. Her                                                    .

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